1970s west hollywood gay bars

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This was at a time when being gay was illegal, but West Hollywood sure was open to it. That’s when a popular rock-n-roll club introduced Sunday gay nights where gay men were allowed to dance together. In fact, WeHo’s gay history goes back to the late 1960s. What’s more, a bevy of exciting special events, including a Pride parade and a “living forward” atmosphere, is what makes WeHo such a progressive city. This, in addition to a slew of hip restaurants and gay bars. Gay travelers are assured of many a welcoming and friendly gay hotel in West Hollywood. In fact, it’s largely recognized as a leading community for LGBTQ rights. WeHo packs a whole lot of queerness into its small size and has been around as long as 1984. West Hollywood, known affectionately as “WeHo,” is the out-and-out proud hip-and-happening gay neighborhood of Los Angeles.

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